Congressman Bishop Announces Nearly $1.9M in USDA Funds to Help Georgia Expand Meat & Poultry Processing

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

 Two businesses in Middle and Southwest Georgia are being awarded a total of $1.89 million by the Biden-Harris Administration through two U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs, the Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program and the Local Meat Capacity Grant Program. The funding for these awards was made possible by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which Congressman Bishop supported in Congress. The programs are meant to strengthen the food supply chain, lower food costs, and keep rural communities strong.

“The American Rescue Plan Act, that I supported in Congress, continues to help tackle the vulnerabilities in our food supply chain that the recent pandemic highlighted. These USDA programs and this week’s awards are not only helping give Middle and Southwest Georgia producers more options to get their goods packaged, but they are also giving Georgia families more choice at the grocery store to support local businesses,” said Congressman Bishop. “This investment is just another way in which Congress and the Biden-Harris Administration are working to expand and strengthen our supply chain for our farmers and producers so that food can be more affordable for American families.”

“We at White Oak Pastures are delighted to have been selected to be a recipient of a Local Meat Capacity Grant. We will use these funds to increase our slaughter capacity to handle 4000 additional lambs per year. We have begun producing these sheep on 2000 acres of solar voltaic properties that we manage the vegetation on through grazing,” said Will Harris, owner of White Oak Pastures. “These properties were previously cropped with conventionally managed cotton, corn, and peanuts.  This land has sustained a lot of degrading tillage, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides.  It is now producing power for thousands of homes and grass for our sheep.  Our decades of experience have proven that, as a grazing property, the land will become healthier and more productive. We are grateful that our project was chosen out of the many worthy proposals that were submitted.”

“As a local cattleman, I am excited to provide access to USDA-inspected cattle and hog processing for regional farmers,” said Austin Jones, Plant Manager and owner of Flint Packers. “More importantly, as a family man and resident of Macon County, I am proud to build and create employment opportunities and to provide quality farm-to-table meats for my community.”

Earlier this month, Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that the USDA is investing nearly $100 million across the country through the Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program and the Local Meat Capacity Grant Program.

White Oak Pastures in Bluffton was awarded $690,000 in order to expand their livestock processing by 30% through the Local Meat Capacity Grant Program. White Oak Pastures is a family-owned, vertically integrated, regenerative, sustainable, and zero-waste model agricultural farm whose products are sold nationwide. They are the largest private employer in Clay County, employing over 155 local residents which has helped revitalize this rural America community. White Oak Pastures currently processes poultry for 17 neighboring producers. The company will use the grant to process more poultry as well as a greater variety of livestock, including goats, lambs, and hogs.

Flint Packers LLC, a start-up cattle and hog processor in Oglethorpe, received $1,222,302 through the Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program, which is nearly a third of the funds required to build and equip a new 12,000 square foot cattle and hog processing facility. The facility will serve local farmers who currently must transport their livestock hundreds of miles elsewhere for processing. At full capacity, it is estimated that this facility will generate $5 million annually and create 23 jobs, including 18 full-time jobs in Macon County.