Watch Out for the Big Yellow Bus! School Starts August 10th

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

As students return to school, the Georgia Department of Education and State School Superintendent Richard Woods are urging motorists to use caution when approaching a school bus and to brush up on the law regarding passing a school bus.

According to Georgia law, vehicles traveling in BOTH directions must stop when a school bus activates its stop-arm on a two-lane road or a multi-lane road with no median or barrier. Vehicles traveling in the same direction as a school bus must always stop, but motorists traveling in the opposite direction can proceed (with caution) when there is an unpaved median or concrete barrier separating the opposing lanes.

In April, Troup County School System partnered with Gatekeeper Systems, Inc. and local law enforcement to place exterior high definition security cameras on school buses in high traffic areas. The camera is outfitted to capture illegal stop arm passing because it captures video and photographs of cars passing the stop arm when it is out. Video is viewed by a deputy to determine if the passing is deemed illegal.

In Georgia, the law states that the first passing offense is a $300 fine, second offense is $750, and third offense is $1,000.

“I urge the public to pay close attention to school buses and get familiar with the law regarding passing stopped buses,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “Following this law may very well mean saving a child’s life. The safety of our students as they travel to and from school is of primary importance, and I ask for the participation of all Georgians in making sure our students can travel safely.”

A warning that a bus stop is about to take place will always be given with the flashing amber lights on the front and rear of the school bus. Upon seeing these flashing amber lights, vehicles approaching the school bus from both the front and rear should immediately slow down and prepare to stop. All drivers must pay special attention to children, be focused, and exercise caution when in the vicinity of a school bus stop, as student riders can sometimes be unpredictable.

Then, once the bus is fully stopped, the flashing red lights will activate and the stop arm will deploy. Vehicles must stop and should remain stopped until all loading students are aboard in the morning or all unloading passengers have cleared 12 feet off the roadway in the afternoon. Motorists should proceed with caution only after passengers have cleared the roadway, the stop arm is canceled and the flashing red lights are deactivated.

“As our school buses begin to roll again, I urge drivers to be alert and exercise patience and caution, especially around children waiting at school bus stops or loading and unloading school buses,” Superintendent Woods said. “Patient, informed, and law-abiding drivers ensure that our children can arrive safely at school each day, ready to learn.”