Coweta County Safety Council Discusses Safe Equipment Practices
Tuesday, August 29th, 2017
Protecting workers through the use of safe, quality equipment was the focus of the August 15, 2017 meeting of the Coweta County Safety Council. Guest speakers were Buck Handley of Ashley Sling, who spoke about slings and rigging supplies, and Richard (Dickey) Watson of Industrial Chemicals, Inc., who spoke about fall protection systems and other safeguarding measures.
Handley, who works in sales for a company that manufactures lifting products, noted that industries had to lift heavy objects on their own until rigging came along. Today, rigging helps workers to safely lift such large and heavy objects as rotors, bridge beams, molds and concrete pipe. He brought examples of rigging with him and showed the group some pieces that had been damaged or worn, explaining the importance of removing such rigging from use. He had a piece of synthetic rigging in which the fibers were damaged by weld burns and splatters, weakening the rigging.
Having inspected rigging for numerous companies, Handley showed some of the pieces he has personally pulled out of service, ranging from warped metal links in chain rigging to synthetic rigging with frayed fibers spilling out. He said a good rule of thumb is, "If it's ugly, pull it out of service."
Dickey Watson of Industrial Chemicals, Inc., a retired fireman, spoke on fall protection systems. Because of his background, he said, he believes that many of today's so-called accidents could have been avoided. "One poor judgment move can get somebody hurt or killed," he said.
Watson briefly discussed how fall protection guidelines differ for various industries. He noted that while companies may provide fall protection systems for their workers, many of these companies do not actually have a plan for getting workers down once they do fall and are wearing some sort of restraint. He encouraged the safety professionals to be sure their companies have such a plan in place. "If you don't have one, call me," he said. "I'll give you a rescue plan."
Like Handley, Watson encouraged the group to regularly inspect its safety equipment and destroy and discard any damaged items.
Also at the meeting, the group thanked Amanda Fields, existing industries manager of the Coweta County Development Authority, for creating the inaugural issue of the monthly Safety Council newsletter, which will soon be included under the Industry Safety Council tab on the Newnan-Coweta Chamber's website.