State Sen. Albers Introduces Legislation to Bring Small Businesses Back
Thursday, January 26th, 2017
Sen. John Albers (R – Roswell) introduced a piece of legislation designed to protect and promote the growth of small businesses throughout the state.
“I am thrilled to introduce legislation that will bolster the environment for creativity and business growth,” said Sen. Albers. “By reducing regulations and costs to operate a business, we will increase profits and hiring for small businesses. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate and House to bring small businesses back to Georgia.”
The legislation known as the “Bring Small Businesses Back Georgia Regulatory Reform Act” will remove unnecessary government regulations that threaten the growth and creativity of small businesses. A cost benefit analysis will be required for any new rule. If a new rule is deemed necessary, two existing rules will be removed. Rules impacting public safety will not be removed. Sen. Albers is working with the Job Creators Network and their CEO Alfredo Ortiz on this legislation. The language in this bill serves as model legislation for states around the nation.
This legislation will be dropped with the Secretary of Senate’s Office on Wednesday, January 25. A bill number and committee assignment will happen later this week.