Special Olympics Georgia Hosts Seventh Annual Polar Plunge Fundraiser
Tuesday, February 16th, 2016
Plungers will "bear" the cold waters at LanierWorld at Sunset Cove February 20 to support the athletes of Special Olympics Georgia in the seventh annual Polar Plunge fundraiser.
The Polar Plunge is one of the "coolest" fundraisers where participants raise money and plunge into the chilly waters of Lake Lanier. The plungers bring quite the excitement to the fundraiser by dressing up in crazy costumes and celebrating the success of their fundraising in which all of the proceeds benefit Special Olympics Georgia.
Participants must raise a minimum of $50 to plunge. All plungers will receive a commemorative Plunge long sleeve t-shirt. Additional incentives and prizes will be given to plungers who raise $150 or more. The Plunge is at 1:30 p.m., and you can come out and pay to plunge that day! Onsite registration is 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
It's easy to get involved!
Online registration is open, and it is highly suggested to submit the registration forms as soon as possible. Participants can also set up their own online fundraising page. For more information and to register, please visit www.PLUNGEGA.org.