Georgia-based Rural Sourcing Inc. Joins White House Roundtable Tasked with Bringing Tech Jobs Back to Rural America

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

Rural Sourcing Inc., the leading provider of US-based IT outsourcing services, joined a White House roundtable discussion to formulate solutions for bringing technology jobs back to rural America. The event, "Rural Means Business" was organized by the Department of Labor and Department of Agriculture and included RSI's CEO Monty Hamilton, industry analysts, prominent technology executives, and Federal officials from both sponsoring departments.

The goal of the roundtable was to initiate a conversation around what can be done to bring technology jobs back to rural America. The group was tasked with identifying solutions and available opportunities and resources needed to assist in the initiative and will move forward with regional rural sourcing summits to accomplish this goal.

"It was an honor to be invited to participate alongside such respected members of the IT outsourcing community, technology sector and government officials for this forward thinking discussion," said Monty Hamilton, CEO of Rural Sourcing. "We are committed to increasing awareness for this platform and putting action behind these ideas on a national scale as we continue on our mission to create thousands of new technology jobs across the US."