Eight New Shield Building Panels Safely Placed at Vogtle Unit 3

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

Georgia Power announced today the latest milestone at the Vogtle nuclear expansion – the recent placement of eight new shield building panels for Unit 3. The placement of the new shield building panels follows the placement of the initial six panels for Unit 3 in August 2015.

The shield building, which encapsulates the Unit 3 containment vessel, is comprised of more than 160 individual steel panels. The reinforced individual panels can weigh 10 tons or more and be filled with concrete. Once fully assembled, the shield building will provide structural support of the containment cooling water supply and protect the containment vessel, which houses the reactor vessel and associated equipment.

Now more than 60 percent complete based on contractual milestones, progress continues at the Vogtle site every day. Major milestones completed in 2015 included the placement of the 1,140-ton CA01 module for Unit 3, the placement of the 950-ton lower ring for Unit 4 and more than 26,000 total cubic yards of concrete.

The projected overall peak rate impact of the Vogtle nuclear expansion is significantly less than when the project was originally certified. The project's remaining projected customer rate impact is still approximately 2.5 percent, an average of less than 1 percent per year through the expected completion date of 2020. Once the new units come online, they are expected to put downward pressure on rates and deliver long-term savings for Georgia customers.