Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia Brings SAE International AWIM Program to Troup County School System

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Monday, December 14th, 2015

Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia and SAE International hosted 100 Middle School students from the Troup County School System at the Kia Georgia Training Center in West Point on Dec. 2, 2015 to celebrate student learning. These students had the opportunity to put their skills to the test during a Motorized Toy Car STEM competition. The Motorized Toy Challenge offers students an opportunity to come together and share what they have learned through their classroom experience. The Motorized Toy Challenge is set up as a friendly competition where students (in Engineering Design Teams of three or four) compete in 15° Ramp, 30° Ramp and speed events.

KMMG's generous donation to the SAE Foundation will support efforts in Georgia and Alabama to advance math and science education through SAE International's award-winning A World In Motion program and ensure the technical competency of the future talent pool. The relentless pursuit of innovative, effective STEM education is made possible by corporations like Kia - innovation is a key component of the KIA mantra and A World In Motion exemplifies this in its curriculum design and delivery, as well as its ability to create the next generation of innovators.

“On behalf of all KMMG team members, we are excited to support another student celebration that promotes STEM education in our local community,” said Randy Jackson, KMMG’s senior vice president of human resources and administration.