GDEcD Exhibits at MEDICA for 10th Time
Thursday, December 10th, 2015
The Georgia Department of Economic Development exhibited at the annual MEDICA trade show November 15-18 in Dusseldorf, Germany. This year marked the 10th year Georgia has attended and exhibited at the world’s largest medical trade fair.
GDEcD’s International Trade division organized the state’s participation, which included five Georgia companies looking to expand their sales internationally. Companies included Matrix Surgical, ViveBio, Sol-Millennium, GF Health Products and WebOps. GDEcD’s Global Commerce division and the Metro Atlanta Chamber also attended with the Georgia delegation. An additional eleven Georgia companies exhibited or walked the show independently. Georgia’s European international trade representative, Mr. Mike Harling, was also present to assist Georgia companies with one-on-one appointments throughout the week.
With more than 400 life science companies in the state, including 150 medical device companies, Georgia is an industry leader. Georgia exports of life science products exceeded $1.3 billion in 2014.
Last year, the state’s top export destinations for medical products were Belgium, Canada, Germany, Japan and China, closely followed by Brazil and the UK.
Georgia companies continue to find success at MEDICA. The 2015 show produced more than 90 leads for Georgia companies, which could result in more than $1 million in potential sales.