Online Labor Demand Increased 172,300 in October
Thursday, November 5th, 2015
Online advertised vacancies increased 172,300 to 5,452,500 in October, according to The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series, released today. The September Supply/Demand rate stands at 1.50 unemployed for each advertised vacancy with a total of 2.6 million more unemployed workers than the number of advertised vacancies. The number of unemployed was around 8.0 million in September.
"Labor demand for 2015 continues to follow the 2014 pattern of high monthly demand levels with modest net growth," said Gad Levanon, Managing Director of Macroeconomic and Labor Market Research at The Conference Board. "The strong monthly demand level continues to help reduce the number of unemployed and maintain a positive outlook for the US labor market."
In October, the Services/Production category saw gains in most areas, including Transportation (+48.1), Sales (+21.1), Installation/Repair (+12.9) and Food (+12.1). The Professional category was mixed with gains in Healthcare (+5.9), Arts/Media (+4.4) and Business/Finance (+3.9) but losses in Computer/Math (-5.3) and Community/Social Services (-2.4).