The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation Announces Its 2016 List of State's 10 'Places in Peril'
Thursday, November 12th, 2015
The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation released today its 2016 list of 10 Places in Perilin the state.
Sites on the list include: Teardowns in Atlanta's historic neighborhoods; Bobby Jones Golf Course in Atlanta (Fulton County); Children of Israel Synagogue and Court of Ordinary in Augusta (Richmond County); Claflin School in Columbus (Muscogee County); Gene Theater in McRae (Telfair County); Hawkes Children's Library in Jackson (Butts County); Hudson-Nash House and Cemetery in Lilburn (Gwinnett County); Johns Homestead in Tucker (DeKalb County); Norcross Woman's Club Old Library (Gwinnett County); and Riverside Cemetery in Macon (Bibb County).
"This is the Trust's eleventh annual Places in Peril list," said Mark C. McDonald, president and CEO of the Trust. "We hope the list will continue to bring preservation solutions to Georgia's imperiled historic resources by highlighting ten representative sites."
Places in Peril is designed to raise awareness about Georgia's significant historic, archaeological and cultural resources, including buildings, structures, districts, archaeological sites and cultural landscapes that are threatened by demolition, neglect, lack of maintenance, inappropriate development or insensitive public policy.
Through Places in Peril, the Trust will encourage owners and individuals, organizations and communities to employ proven preservation tools, financial resources and partnerships in order to reclaim, restore and revitalize historic properties that are in peril.
Sites that have been placed on previous years' lists have included: Glenridge Hall in Sandy Springs, which was demolished in early 2015; Hancock County Courthouse in Sparta, which is being reconstructed after a fire destroyed much of the interior in 2014; Haistens Hospital in Griffin, where Home Depot teamed up with The Georgia Trust to rehabilitate the exterior and prepare it for purchase through the Trust's Revolving Fund; the Sowega Building in Adel, which is undergoing repairs; Fairview School in Cave Spring, which is getting a new roof; East Point Civic Block, where The Georgia Trust, preservation professionals and local advocates created a rehabilitation and use study; Secondary Industrial High School in Columbus, which is undergoing a complete rehabilitation; and the Tunnel Hill Depot in Whitfield County, where a SPLOST referendum that included $600,000 for the depot was approved.