At our next NuLink Early Bird Forum, on April 18th, 2017, Parks Avery and Jim Thomasson will provide an update on LINC, the proposed multi-use trail system designed to connect the many areas of Coweta County. The proposed project would create 25 miles of trails in Coweta County.
Avery is co-founder of Avery & Pope Wealth Management, and Thomasson is president of 75 Jackson LLC in Newnan.
The NuLink Early Bird Forum breakfast will be held on April 18, 2017 from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at The Newnan Centre, 1515 Lower Fayetteville Rd. in Newnan. Admission is $20 for Chamber members and their guests and $50 general admission. Reservations are due by Friday, April 14.