New Study Finds Unanimous Agreement – Generosity is Critical to Business


Tuesday, July 11th, 2023

In today’s polarized environment, employed adults in Georgia agree on the importance of generosity in business finds a new report by goBeyondProfit and Georgia CEO. The data confirms that employees are paying attention to how you execute your generosity commitments.

The overall number of employees who find generosity important has steadily increased since the 2019 inaugural report, with the largest increases in those employees who believe generosity is very or extremely important (47% in 2019 vs. 75% in 2023). 

Executives see positive correlations between generosity and key business success measures. Yet, for the first time in this report’s history, executive investment in generosity efforts shows signs of slowing. Overall, our data indicates that business generosity may not be a wise place for budgetary cuts. 

Read the full report to learn more.