All ITAACs Have been Submitted for Vogtle Unit 4

Monday, July 24th, 2023

Georgia Power announced completion of another important step in the startup and operation of the new nuclear units at the Vogtle 3 & 4 nuclear expansion site near Waynesboro, Ga. The company shared that Southern Nuclear has submitted documentation that all 364 inspections, tests and analyses have been performed and all acceptance criteria, collectively known as ITAACs, have been met on Vogtle Unit 4 as required by Southern Nuclear's Combined Operating License.  The completion of these ITAACs provides the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) assurance that the unit meets strict nuclear safety and quality standards.

As defined by the NRC, each ITAAC closure notice must be verified before fuel load.

Next, the company awaits receipt of the 103(g) finding from the NRC documenting that license acceptance criteria for Unit 4 have been met. This will indicate that the new unit has been constructed and will be operated in conformance with its Combined License and NRC regulations. Upon receipt of the 103(g) finding from the NRC, no further NRC findings are necessary in order for Southern Nuclear to load fuel and begin the startup sequence 

The team at the site continues preparations for Unit 4 fuel load and start up. All 157 fuel assemblies required for the operation of the Unit 4 reactor have been delivered to the site. Each fuel assembly measuring 14 feet tall was inspected and transferred to the new fuel storage racks before being placed into the spent fuel pool where all the assemblies will be stored until they are loaded into the Unit 4 reactor during fuel load.

The new Vogtle units are an essential part of Georgia Power’s commitment to delivering clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy to its 2.7 million customers. Once operating, each of the new units can produce enough electricity to power an estimated 500,000 homes and businesses. Southern Nuclear will operate the new units on behalf of the co-owners: Georgia Power, Oglethorpe Power, MEAG Power and Dalton Utilities.